Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Perfect Day

How to have a perfect day in London:

~Get a discounted hot chocolate and free croissant at a local cafe.

~Visit the Victoria & Albert Museum with your art history class.

Victoria & Albert Museum
Victoria & Albert Museum
Main entrance to the V&A Museum
~Stick around the museum after class ends so you can visit the "Theatre & Performance" exhibit.

Theatre playbills
~Be a total theatre geek and be amazed at artifacts from famous plays and actors.

Skull used in a Hamlet production
First Folio of Shakespeare's plays
A guide for actors on how to apply stage makeup
Costume for a Valkyrie showgirl in The Producers
Costumes used in Lion King production 
Set model for a Eugene O'Neill play 
Box seat from a Glasgow music hall
~Take advantage of the GORGEOUS weather and sunshine by walking through Hyde Park.

Good day sunshine
Hyde Park
~Follow the Princess Diana Memorial Walk through the park.

~Say hello to the flocks of birds on Round Pond.

~And try to befriend a swan.

~Discover funky mirror sculptures in Kensington Gardens.

This picture is not upside down; the mirror flipped us!
"Physical Energy" Statue
~Discover an adorable house in Hyde Park and hope to move there someday.

Doesn't it remind you of Miss Honey's house in Matilda?
~Pose with the boy who never grew up.
Peter Pan Statue
~Come home to your flat and cook a healthy, yummy dinner.

Okay fine, the salmon was from the frozen food section.
London, I love you.

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